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Calabria Sea Side provides a comprehensive service to our clients. From your initail enquiry to the completion of your purchase we are at your side, promptly dealing with any questions you may have regarding the sale. We believe that your visit to Italy to view our properties should be as enjoyable and stress free as possible, to this end we insure you have:

⦁ Accurate directions to your meeting point 
⦁ Contact numbers of our English (or other languages) speaking representaives 
⦁ Arrange accommodation 
⦁ Spend as much time viewing properties with you as you desire 
⦁ Provide advice and assistance on moving to Italy 
⦁ Arrange for gas, electric, water services to be transferred in your name 
⦁ Register you with the local council 
⦁ Arrange property surveys (with translation) 
⦁ Arrange estimates (with translation) 
⦁ Arrange renovation and building work and provide regular updates on the work 
⦁ Advise on local facilities and services (including doctors and dentists) 

The amount of support or advice we give, depends entirely upon you, the client. We can offer as much or as little as you desire. If you decide to visit Italy to view any of our properties we can book accommodation for you and give advice on the local area and its services such as transport and car hire. We ensure that while you are here you are looked after, which given the hospitality of the region, makes our job pretty easy. 

Normally the buying a property is arranged in three stages:

With our assistance you will need to select the property, obtain some basic information and documentation, and negotiate the general terms of the purchase. Sometimes you may be asked to sign a reservation agreement (Caparra confirmatoria), and pay a small deposit. At this stage it will also be necessary to organize a survey, local land registry searches, and all necessary checks with the local authorities (Comune), as far as local planning and building regulations are concerned. This work is usually undertaken by a local surveyor (Geometra).

Property Checks and Searches


Before any sale can be completed there are a number of searches and checks to be carried out on the property. Those responsible for these checks are the Geometra (Local surveyor) and the Notaio (Notary Public). Should these searches reveal any problems regarding the sale of the property then the sale cannot be completed. Usually these checks and searches take two to three weeks to be completed.

Checks carried out by the Geometra

⦁ The property matches the Land Registry definition
⦁ The property was not built without planning permission
⦁ Any work or extensions done, have received approval and have had the relevant taxes paid
⦁ The owners as Land Registry Office are the same as stated by the vendor

The second stage is usually spent in negotiating, drafting, signing and exchanging the contract (Compromesso). This is normally a binding legal agreement to complete the purchase at some future specified date, in the offices of a local Notary Public (Notaio). In view of the fact that this is an unequivocal commitment to buy the property and pay the agreed price at the time of signature, it is vital to have acquired all the documentation and search reports necessary to complete the purchase, or, at the very least to have ascertained all legal and practical difficulties / problems, and agreed a timetable to sort them out before completion. Italian law requires all contracts relating to land or buildings to be in writing, signed by both parties.

The third stage relates to the completion formalities, which normally take place in the offices of a local Notary Public. Notaries have a special duty of drafting the Purchase Deed (Rogito) and to ensure the proper execution, registration, and payment of all Italian taxes relating to the completion.

Checks carried out by the Notaio

⦁ The vendor is the legal owner of the property and is entitled to sell the house
⦁ There are no debts or mortgages pending on the house
⦁ There are no written liens or burdens
⦁ The vendor is aware that they must declare any outstanding private agreements regarding the property. For example if the vendor has agreed to allow a  neighbour to build or extend within the minimum laid down by Italian law or has given a friend a right of way across the property.

The purchaser is expected to pay

​⦁ Registration Tax. Approximately 9% for non-residents, 3% for residents. When purchasing land this is 15%.  Note that there area additional fixed costs = these should be regarded as estimates. Contacts us for details.

⦁ Notary Fees. These are based on a sliding scale depending on the property value and cadastral value.

Notary Fees vary depending on the location in Italy and the specific Notary Public.


⦁ Translator Fees - for formal translation of the Rogito, typically around €400
⦁ Bank Charges, if a money transfer is involved (please contact us for assistance)


Calabria Sea Side can help you through this process.

Calabria Sea Side works with private vendors, architects, engineers, geometras and partner agents to find suitable properties for you. We are ready to offer help in any way we can! For detailed informations, contact us as a case by case basis.


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